Thursday, October 29, 2015

31 Days of Thanksgiving

This one goes out to all the foster and adoptive parents out there. Thankful doesn’t even come close to how my heart feels about you all. To open your homes, to devote your lives, to extend your hearts to abandoned, abused, hurt, broken; for whatever reason, children who need a home… I believe that when you get to heaven there will be a very special jewel for your crowns. Maybe a jewel that radiates joy into the hearts of anyone who sees it. Maybe a Jewel more beautiful than anything you’ve ever seen. Maybe a jewel that fills hearts with a warmth so comforting it cannot be described. Right now your “jewel,” as each of you know are the children you’ve embraced as your own. I personally extend countless thanks to each of you! The impact you have made in a life or lives of little ones is unfathomable.


  1. Great recognition of truly amazing people. I gave a mention of your blog and a link in my post today.

    1. Thank-you. Great post from you! You had me tearing up at the end. Time goes by seriously so very fast. It seems like when we blink years fly by.
